Hey Jarred Really Like to Continue Our Conversation

Live chat is one of the popular channels used for sales and customer service over businesses across all sizes and industries.

But how do you know if your sales and support team are having better conversations?

The answer is: Deliver consistent experience with the use of the right live chat scripts.

97% of global consumers say live chat scripts are important in their choice of a brand.

Live chat scripts are different from canned responses. Canned responses are used to answer the questions quickly, but not necessarily the lead to closing a sale. By using the right scripts, you not only resolve your customer's queries but also deliver a consistent customer experience.

Why Does Using Live Chat Scripts Help in Customer Service?

As per Software Advice Research, 84% of surveyed customers felt their experience improves "more than slightly" when an agent was able to answer confidently.

Designing positive live chat scripts is basically formulating messages according to the different scenarios when agents have to address customers. Chat scripts and templates help in the following ways:

  • Faster response With preset responses, for the commonly asked questions, hasten the resolution process with quick responses and boost customer satisfaction.
  • Right tone of language – Live chat scripts help the agents to follow the defined language to ensure customers are satisfied and eventually turn out to be the best advocates for your brand.
  • Consistency in brand experience – Predefined scripts help to deliver a consistent brand messaging experience while offering live chat support with the website visitor or customer. Consistent experience results in positive word of mouth which is a core part of brand building.

Positive Words for Creating Chat Scripts

Nothing beats hearing the right words at right time.

Positive customer service words help to frame affirmative words that can create magic. If you use such magical words for live chat scripts, you can enhance customer engagement, increase customer satisfaction rate, and reduce customer churn rate.

Here are some examples of affirmative words to be used for live chat scripts and templates that will make customers happy.

  • Great
  • Wonderful
  • Excellent
  • Absolutely
  • Definitely
  • Fantastic
  • Assure
  • Certainly
  • Amazing
  • Awesome
  • Superb
  • Good

You may also like: Live chat best practices for customer service success .

Negative Words to Avoid in Chat Transcripts

Words can inspire. And words can destroy. Choose yours well.

Negative words sound rude and worsen the customer experience. Non-affirmative words should be avoided during chat conversations else it will end up being the last conversation.

You might lose potential customers and it might further reflect on your brand with negative word of mouth.

Here are some of the negative words to avoid live chat scripts and templates:

  • Bad
  • Never
  • Terrible
  • Awful
  • No way
  • Not at all
  • Forget it
  • Horrible

"NO" is also considered a negative word and it's good if it can be avoided. If you can't avoid saying no, you can say it in a way by using positive words or affirmative scripts for chat. You can suggest or recommend other resources instead of using no, unfortunately,  to let your customers all the options before they leave.

50+ Common Live Chat Scripts for Effective Sales & Customer Support

For preparing good food you need a recipe, you also require well-structured customer support chat scripts to deliver superior customer service . We outline the most common support transcripts that can be used under various scenarios.

1. Customer Service Greetings

A man's beauty is in his tongue.

It's not what you speak but how you speak makes a world of difference.

When you start a conversation with a "hello" keeping the right foot forward, it ends up being a positive conversation. And a rude greeting can put your customers on edge.

live chat scripts & customer service phrases greetings

As we all are aware of the power of the first impression, excellent live chat support transcripts can be used. You can use the below customer greeting examples that include positive scripting.

Common examples of customer service greetings

Hello, welcome to "business name" thank you for visiting our website. How can we assist you?

Hello, thank you for using "business name" service. Can I help you with something?

Hello, "customer name" welcome back to " business name". Did you face any further problem with the "earlier issue"?

Welcome back "customer name". Happy to see you again. What can we do for you today?

Explaining the chat can be recorded for internal review

Hello, I would like to mention that this chat may be recorded for the internal training process.

Hi, we would like to let you know that the chat is monitored or recorded for quality assurance.

REVE Chat's omnichannel live chat platform allows you to set customized customer service greetings. Sign up with REVE Chat and empower your support/sales team to deliver excellent experience.

2. Sales follow-up

Not only are sales follow-up critical, but it is also crucial to learn customer behavior.

It is very crucial for the sales team to follow up with first-time visitors and nurture them in a way to close sales successfully. Sales follow up if done in the right way can generate sales leads and improve conversion rate.

Crafting a perfect sales follow-up script can go a long way. Try out the below live chat scripts to make your sales follow-up effective.

Asking for contact details

Hi, "customer name". May I request you to share your contact details?

Hello, I will need your contact details to update the further process. Kindly provide your phone number, email etc.

Asking for what product or service he is looking for

Hi, "customer name". Would you like to know more about the subscriptions for "product or service name"? If you want I can detail you.

Hi, I can explain you the installation steps of "product name". Shall I go ahead?

Asking what brings him here

Hello! "customer name", What brings you to our website? What are you looking for? It will help us to serve you better.

Good morning "customer name", What brings you to our site? What was the source you came to know about it?

3. Request for live assistance

There are scenarios where you need to implement live customer engagement in order to get a better understanding of and deliver real time solutions. Live assistance with co-browsing and video chat needs access to your customer screen to identify the issue and guide them in the right direction to deliver an in-person experience.

When you collaborate with your customers, face-to-face conversations become personalized and boost customer satisfaction. You can follow the below scripts as customer support chat tips for co-browsing and video chat requests.

live chat scripts & customer service phrases - engagement


We need to access your screen and co-browse together to address your issue. May we proceed with that?

Can we start co-browsing session to assist you in the form fill up process?

Video chat

We may need to identify the issue you are facing. Can we start a video chat conversation?

Based on the information you have given, we are facing trouble to diagnose the issue. Is it ok with you to have a video chat to figure out what exactly the reason for the issue?

REVE Chat offers a complete suite of visual engagement tools such as co-browsing, video chat for collaborating with clients in real time and offer personalized support. Signing up with REVE Chat will help to learn your customers issues faster and deliver first contact resolution (FCR).

4. Ask for an apology

An apology is a lovely perfume, it can transform the clumsiest moment into a gracious gift.

Nobody wants to hear "NO". And saying no to customers is a difficult task as your job is to help your customer being positive. Sadly, there are times when a customer request and the company policy is not aligned.

But you don't have to beat your head against the wall. Here is a simple secret for how to avoid the negative word NO, and that is asking an apology. In different circumstances apologize in a different way that will melt down the situation.

You may also like – How to say 'NO' to customers you don't want to lose.

Apology for an issue

We're sorry about the "issue". Let me have a word with my manager to find out how we can fix this for you.

We apologize for the inconvenience you have faced. We're very sorry. We will take care of the "issue" on top priority for you. Please hold patience with us.

Apology to unable to meet the request

We're very sorry, but the free shipping offer is over for that particular region.

We sincerely apologize, but we don't have overseas shipping facility at present.

Providing alternate options

May I request you to go through the "solutions" as a better option for the "problem"?

I would like to recommend "solution" that fits your requirements.

5. Transferring customer service chats

You may not always have the exact information the customer is looking for and trust me it's perfectly ok. But things can get sloppy when you don't have the information when the customers need it.

Don't panic! You can get your customers transferred to the right representative smartly.

The below positive scripts for chat can be used to direct the chat conversation to the right representative to deliver correct information without letting them wait for a long time.

Transfer request

I am so sorry for the confusion, but this is not the right department that can provide sufficient information on the "topic". It that ok for you, I will transfer you to the right department?

Please hold for a moment while I am transferring you to "agent name".

6. Put the customer on hold

"Your call is important to us. Please hold."

We all have probably heard this some way or the other and believe me, it sucks. Be it you or me nobody likes being on hold. But there are times when it can not be avoided, and also with an intent to deliver a quality solution.

In the middle of the conversation

Can I please put you on hold for a moment?

It will just take a moment to go through the details – Can I put you on hold?

In the queue

We are very sorry, but all our agents are engaged right now. If you can hold the for few mins, we'll reach out to you as soon as possible.

All our agents are busy busy at this moment. Please wait for "queue time", while our representative will join you shortly.

Thank customers for waiting

We appreciate your patience for holding and apologize about the wait time.

Thank you for waiting for us! We do apologize about the wait time. We are available to assist you.

7. Ask for more information

Collecting information is a vital part of getting work done in the right manner, but it requires your team to develop trust and comfort.

Now you can seamlessly handle your information requests with the help of the below scripts. Following these scripts will make customers feel they are in safe hands.

General information

We need some additional information prior to proceeding. Please share the required information?

May I request you to provide some extra information before we continue. It will help to improve our service.

Credit card and billing information

May I request you to provide your current billing address?

In order to process your order, please provide your credit card number, expiry date and the security code.

Address verification

May I request you to verify your current residence address?

Can I ask you to provide the zip code of the current address?

Asking for personal information

Can I request you to provide me the account number listed on your generated bill?

Please provide me your date of birth and social security number to proceed.

8. Proactive triggers

Proactive customer service has become a new trend in some years. Forrester Research study says investment in areactive approach produces a return on investment (ROI) of 15%, while investment in a proactive approach increments ROI by 105% .

A well-informed, personalized proactive chat trigger can pour in sales opportunities and boost customer satisfaction. It all depends upon your proactive live chat strategy. Below are some situations where visitors and customers accept proactive chat invites.

Based on demography

Use country specific scripts like – Bonjour "name of the customer", Comment puis-je vous aider ( Hello 'customer name' how may i help you?)

Hello! My name is  "agent name", I am the regional representative for "country/region/city". How may I assist you?

If a customer is hesitant

Hello "customer name", If you are buying "product or service" today you can use the coupon code and get a discount of 20%. Would you prefer to chat for more details?

Hi "customer name". Let me tell you it is a worthy investment if you purchase the product now. The offer is going to expire in two days.

For reviewing options

We understand too many options can be confusing. May I assist in helping you to decide?

It is obvious that anybody will be having a problem, Can I help you to go ahead with the right one?

9. Promotions and discounts

Not every visitor ends up with a sale. With promotions and discounts, visitors can be engaged to close sales successfully and reduce cart abandonment. Sending a proactive message to start a chat with scripts covering the discounts increases the chances of sales conversion.

live chat scripts & customer service phrases - promotions and discounts

Try out the following positive chat scripts while assisting your visitors down the road to loyal customers.

Check out

It seems to me that you are visiting the pages frequently but not making a final purchase. Can I explain our promotional offers related to the "page name"?

Pricing page

Hello "customer name", Can I explain the special discounted price over the products/services you are interested?

Home page or across the website

Hello! We are pleased to inform you that we are offering a discount on "promotion". Would to like to take advantage of the limited period deal?

10. Say thank you

Likewise, how starting a conversation with the customer is important, closing the conversation is equally crucial. If your customer walks away with a negative impression at the end, the well-structured service goes to waste.

Before closing the conversation you can ask if any further assistance is required. Then wrap up your chat conversions by using the below live chat scripts:

Say thank you to your customers

Thank you so much for using "brand name" chat service. We hope we will hear from you soon! Have a good day.

Thank you for visiting our website. Hope to see you once again. Good day.

Thanks So Much for Your Order! I Hope You Enjoy Your New Purchase!

11. In-app support

You can allow your iOS and Android app users to get connected with the support team in real time. Guide your users efficiently when they are facing issues in using the product or are unable to use the features correctly.

For e.g., REVE Chat offers developer-friendly chat API and mobile SDK to add real time chat. It acts as the best messaging app for customer support that deliver a better experience. It is available for both Android and iOS platforms.

Try out the live chat scripts for better in-app support to your users

Hello "customer name", We are pleased to welcome you. Please go through the tutorials to know more about the features.

live chat scripts & customer service phrases - in-app messaging

Source: 360dialog

12. Review request

Customer reviews are based on their experience or opinion they had after using the product or service. The feedback that customers share in their reviews can be used to develop new business strategies.

You should ask the customer for his review at the right time and the right way. The post-purchase reviews cover the practical experience of the customers. The live chat scripts that can be followed for requesting a review for customers are:

Hi "name of the customer", we are happy that we were able to fix your issue in so less time. If you found us helpful, would you mind leaving "your product or service" a positive review? You can leave a review by going to "link to review".

Best practices of using live chat scripts & role play

Before practicing the live chat scripts and templates practically you can have a role way with the scripts to test how good it sounds from the customer perspective.

  • Handle angry customers by using your best listening skills. You can following the HEARD technique. (H-Hear, E-Empathize, A-Apologize, R-Resolve, D-Diagnose).
  • If you differ from what your customer is saying, you should be able to provide accurate facts and figures. For example, if it is a product delivery-related inquiry, provide the correct date and other details related to it.
  • If your employees delete the complete database by mistake customers may refuse to give you their information again. What's your first attempt? –  Admit your mistake and apologize politely.

Note: Delivering chat support with your in-house team has become a lot easier nowadays but keeping it available 24×7 is still an uphill task. Professional Live Chat Outsourcing companies like DeskMoz hold expertise in delivering exemplary 24×7 managed live chat agents service + free live chat software on your website. Pricing for round-the-clock coverage is as low as USD 199.

Final Thoughts on Live Chat Scripts

Hopefully, the above-mentioned live chat scripts turn out useful for you. Create chat scripts to communicate certain situations your support team comes across regularly in order to respond faster, maintaining the tone of language, and deliver a consistent brand experience.

With the help of the above sales and customer support scripts, your brand can engage your customers to improve conversions, effective customer service, and customer satisfaction.

And REVE Chat customer engagement software is the best tool to deliver the appropriate service depending upon circumstances. Sign up with REVE Chat today and explore the features for better business productivity.


Source: https://www.revechat.com/blog/live-chat-scripts-customer-service-phrases/

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